

SORA home loan rate

Everything You Need To Know About SORA And How It Differs From SIBOR Housing Loans

Everything You Need To Know About SORA And How It Differs From SIBOR Housing Loans It has been a long while since the housing loan market had experienced any disruption. Well, that is up until recently when OCBC made a

4 Enjoyable Ways to Hit your Daily 10k Step Count

4 Enjoyable Ways to Hit your Daily 10k Step Count More than ever, it is now even more important to keep our health and fitness levels up. Ironically, with the shifts in work arrangements, you might find yourself even more

cheaper home loan

4 Tips To Help You Refinance For A Cheaper Home Loan Deal

4 Tips To Help You Refinance For A Cheaper Home Loan Deal In a weird case of déjà vu, the world is now back to the new norm of low-interest-rate environment. The last time we experienced this low-interest-rate environment was

5 Ways to Continue Celebrating Singapore after National Day

Different from previous years, the recent National Day celebrations were done virtually and decentralised in the heartlands, which made the 55th birthday of Singapore even closer to our hearts. As we come down from the highs of this year’s patriotic

banker vs agent vs financial advisor

Pros & Cons of Buying Insurance from Financial Advisors vs Insurance Agent vs Bankers

Pros & Cons of Buying Insurance from Financial Advisors vs Insurance Agent vs Bankers Thinking of purchasing an insurance policy but not sure who to buy from?  We’ve all been there – on top of determining what insurance policies we

4 ideas for your “Singapoliday” on this Sunny Island

Similar to other cities in the world, Singapore’s government has just announced a new S$45 million tourism campaign to encourage local residents to have a domestic holiday, in light of the current pandemic situation which renders airlines and people grounded.

Wellness tips for your mental health post-lockdown 

While lockdown has taken a toll on many of us, the initial welcomed reopening of the economy and businesses might actually unconsciously cause further strain on our mental health and well-being. Perhaps many of our peers are rushing out for

critical illness plan

Thinking of getting Critical Insurance coverage? Update yourself on these changes first

Thinking of getting Critical Insurance coverage? Update yourself on these changes first As we move into more stable waters in this COVID-19 environment, perhaps you might be shifting your focus to your own health and insurance coverage. In light of

Perks of a Financial Advisor

5 Perks You Can Pick Up As A Financial Advisor

5 Perks You Can Pick Up As A Financial Advisor A career as a financial advisor is unlike any other career. As I look back on my journey, I was thankful to have chosen this career over other career options

Phase 2 Social Distancing Measures Based On Your Lifestyle

Social Butterflies & Party Animals Probably the most looked-forward to Singapore’s phase 2 opening would be dining-in at restaurants and cafes and finally meeting your pals after almost 3 months of absolutely zero contact (physically, at least). Make sure to
