

Singlife Flexi Retirement review

Singlife Flexi Retirement (Previously MyRetirement Choice) review

Singlife Flexi Retirement (Previously MyRetirement Choice) review I am reviewing a product called Singlife Flexi Retirement, which provides guaranteed income for your retirement. The flexibility of this plan is what I really like! It’s my opinion that if you’re looking

how to choose retirement plan

How to Choose a Retirement Plan – 3 Things To Know

How to Choose a Retirement Plan – 3 Things You Should Know How to Choose a Retirement Plan in Singapore? The earlier you start and the more you save, the greater your chances of a comfortable retirement. In Singapore, there

Introduction to CPF Nomination

CPF Nomination: Why It is Important to You

CPF Nomination: Why It is Important to You CPF Nomination: Nomination for the Central Provident Fund (CPF) is an important essential to have for all every citizen. Signing up for a Will and leaving behind a Legacy is equally as

single premium retirement plans

8 Single Premium Retirement Plans You Should Know

8 Single Premium Retirement Plans You Should Know When it comes to planning for retirement with Single Premium Retirement Plans, there’s no room for mistakes. Just ask our (almost) retiree who learned the hard way. He diligently invested in a

cpf life vs private annuity

CPF Life Vs Private Annuity?

CPF Life Vs Private Annuity? You are probably having difficulty choosing between the two — CPF Life vs Private Annuity? If you are confused about which course of action is best for you, don’t worry, we’ve put together an infographic

China Taiping Infinite Harvest

China Taiping Infinite Harvest (III) review 2X Lifetime payout

China Taiping Infinite Harvest (III) review 2X Lifetime payout We’ve all heard the term “Millionaire next door”, but who said they have to be dressed in Armani suits and wear a Rolex watch and sport Ferraris? China Taiping Infinite Harvest

retirement income plan

You Can Retire Long Before 65: Retirement Income Plan

You Can Retire Long Before 65: Retirement Income Plan : A blog about how you can plan for income during retirement. Retirement Income Plan is often ignored. When talking about retirement, most persons would focus on central provident fund’s CPF

retirement planning for couples

Retirement Planning For Couples: A Guide

A Couple’s Guide to Retirement Planning: A guide for couples who are planning for retirement. Couples that plan together, retire happier Retirement planning for couples may seem like a long way off, but the reality is that most people don’t

NTUC Income Heritage Solitaire - Review

NTUC Income Heritage Solitaire – Review

NTUC Income Heritage Solitaire — Inheriting wealth from your parents does not guarantee a good life, but having your own financial security for you and your family does. Heritage Solitaire is a life insurance policy that will pay out money

ReadyBuilder (II)

Manulife ReadyBuilder (II) review : An overview

Manulife ReadyBuilder (II) review : An overview of the product Manulife ReadyBuilder (II) review — it’s a savings plan that provides flexibility when growing your wealth. Life can be unpredictable. You may need to pause your premiums or get a
